
Chameleons are a type of lizard that are known for coming in a large range of colors as well as having the ability to change color to blend in with their surrounding. They live in warm habitats, from rain forests to deserts and are often kept as pets.

A Chameleon's Tongue Explained
November 6, 20171:40

Chameleon Greets Owner
July 25, 2017Browse Animals
alligator ant anteater antelope ape armadillo badger bat bear bee beetle bird bobcat buffalo butterfly capybara caracal cat caterpillar chameleon cheetah chicken chimpanzee cougar cow crab crocodile crow deer dog dolphin donkey duck eagle elephant elk ferret fish flamingo fly fox frog giraffe goat goose guinea pig hamster hawk hedgehog heron hippopotamus horse hummingbird hyena iguana jackdaw jay kangaroo koala leopard lion lizard lobster loris magpie meerkat mongoose monkey moose mouse ocelot octopus opossum orangutan orca ostrich otter owl panda parakeet parrot peacock pelican penguin pig pigeon porcupine puma rabbit raccoon rat rhinoceros scorpion seagull seal serval shark sheep shrimp skunk snail snake spider squid squirrel starling swan tiger toad turkey turtle walrus wasp whale wolf zebra